
Monday, August 27, 2012

WORLD WATCH DAILY: Monday August 27, 2012 Elul 9, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 9:31:13 am - August 27, 2012 - Jerusalem: 4:31:13 pm - Elul 9, 5772

Christian News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned the Lebanese government that Israel would strike Lebanon if Hezbollah attempted any provocation against Israel.

Haaretz has learned that Netanyahu conveyed the message to the Lebanese government through a Western diplomat he met in Jerusalem several weeks ago.


Iran shields covert nuclear activities from spy satellites 


Christian News

U.S.-based Institute for Science and International Security says suspicious explosives chamber at military base near Tehran now obscured from satellite view, as are nearby facilities • Netanyahu: Iran continues to flout the world and has accelerated its program • No new date for talks after International Atomic Energy Agency and Tehran fail to agree.


Isaac Hurricane Watch Now Includes New Orleans:
7th Anniversary of Katrina - Wednesday, August 29 


Christian News

Hurricane warnings have been issued for portions of the northern Gulf Coast as Tropical Storm Isaac continues its west-northwestward march into the Gulf of Mexico.

Isaac poses a potential serious threat to portions of the northern Gulf Coast Tuesday into Wednesday. All interests from Louisiana to Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida Panhandle should watch the progress of Isaac closely and begin to make preparations. Even areas as far west as extreme southeast Texas should continue to monitor Isaac's progress in case a farther west track materializes.


More Isaac Hazards for Florida's Peninsula into Monday 


Christian News

Despite pushing away from Florida's peninsula Sunday night, Isaac will continue to pose hazards through Monday. Isaac will spend Monday tracking northwestward through the eastern Gulf of Mexico.


Isaac's westward shift may target U.S. offshore oilpatch 


Christian News

* Isaac could shutter 85 pct of U.S. offshore oil-Weather Insight

* Storm's westward shift brings greater US energy impacts

* BP shuts down all U.S. GOM operations on storm threat

On August 24th, we warned on Forbes that Tropical Storm Isaac could pose a threat to energy markets and even rival Hurricane Katrina in its destructive power (Could Tropical Storm Isaac Turn Into Another Katrina?). While the computer models are still showing a substantial spread in solutions, it appears more likely that Isaac will make landfall somewhere near the Louisiana, Mississippi Gulf Coast. This track will provide the storm more time to intensify over the very warm water of the Gulf of Mexico.

The entire Gulf Coast from Lake Charles, LA to Panama City, FL should be aware of the latest forecast model guidance. The reason for this large spread is because the computer models are split between whether a trough will capture Isaac or not. As of 8AM Sunday morning, it appears Isaac will not be captured and as a result, a more westward track is most likely.


New Orleans Mayor declares state of emergency due to Isaac 


Christian News

With Tropical Storm Isaac expected to strengthen, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu has declared a state of emergency and urged residents to begin preparing their homes as shelters through the storm. Landrieu said the storm is moving along at about 16 miles an hour, and if it stays at that pace, it could reach the city in the next 34 hours, putting it ashore late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Landrieu emphasized that there will be no shelters of last resort, so people need to be prepared to evacuate, should it come to that.







Republican platform committee defends 'two-state' language on Israel's land, formal vote at Republican Convention in Tampa 

Former Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) quoted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to demonstrate that the original platform language was consistent with the Israeli position.

Earlier this year, the Republican National Committee adopted a resolution that some read as repudiating a two-state solution. At the time, an RNC spokesman stressed that the resolution did not represent the party's position and that all that mattered was the party's platform.



TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republican officials abruptly announced plans Saturday evening to scrap the first day of their national convention, bowing to a threat posed by Tropical Storm Isaac, churning toward Florida.

"Our first priority is ensuring the safety of delegates, alternates, guests, members of the media attending the Republican National Convention, and citizens of the Tampa Bay area," party chairman Reince Priebus said in an emailed announcement that followed private conversations involving presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign, security officials and others.


Isaac's threat stops shipping in Tampa Bay 

With Tropical Storm Isaac poised to move into the eastern Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Coast Guard officials have halted all cargo and cruise ship traffic moving into and out of Tampa Bay beginning at 3 p.m. Sunday.


Florida Governor Discusses Isaac  



7.4 Earthquake off El Salvador Coast 


Christian News


California earthquake swarm felt in Arizona, Mexico, USGS says 


Christian News

The series of moderate earthquakes -- including several magnitude 5.0 and above -- were felt as far north as Orange County, east into Arizona and south into Mexico, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The USGS recorded more than two dozen earthquakes in Imperial County, many of them near Brawley. Officials said people reported feeling the quake in Yuma, Ariz., Lake Havasu as well as in Baja California.



'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - August 24, 2012 


The historical 11-year war cycle pertaining to Israel and the Middle East is in active play ... How will history judge the U.S. on Iran? .... Isaac and the 'land for peace' connection .... Could the third straight Republican Convention be impacted by a major hurricane? …. Hurricane Frances and the 2004 Republican Convention …. Hurricanes Gustav and the 2008 Republican Convention …. Obama Administration pressuring Israel not to act on Iran ... Analysis of US Presidential election electoral numbers ... Pro-Obama major US TV networks begin to explore the Mormon faith .... Sinai, the New Egypt, and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty ....


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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 24, 2012: The historical 11-year war cycle pertaining to Israel and the Middle East is in active play ... How will history judge the U.S. on Iran? .... Isaac and the 'two-state' connection 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 17, 2012: Major questions and decisions Netanyahu and his leadership are facing with Iran .... Israel’s comprehensive plan on how to decapitate Iran threats … 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 10, 2012: Israel planning an October strike on Iran? .... Perspective on U.S. Presidential Election ... Terrorists and Egypt’s new President have identical aims 

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Featured News 

Crusading against Muslim 
rituals and rites, Dutch 
populist alienates the Jews

Rebels shoot down Syrian Army 
helicopter over Damascus

Report: Morsi, Sinai radicals 
negotiate lull

Series of earthquakes rattle 
Southern California

Syrian Air Force intelligence 
head reportedly assassinated 
as rebels claim massacre

Iran opens developing nations 

Syria activists report 
'execution style' killings 
near Damascus

US sending aircraft carrier back to Persian Gulf four months early 

Report: Iran advancing Syria 
power transition
Latest News 

Saudi Arabia: In a restless 

Food shortages could force 
world into vegetarianism, 
warn scientists

Cross-Choppers Strike Across 

Report: US, UK train Syrian 
opposition in İstanbul

Heavy rains in India's Rajasthan 
kill 36 people

Libyan Government Struggles 
to Assert Authority

Iran or the US? India caught 
in a diplomatic dilemma

Taliban insurgents behead 
17 Afghan civilians after 
'music party'

Afghan soldier kills 2 NATO 
troops - Afghan soldiers turn 
guns on own unit

Saudi Arabia arrests suspected 
militants, state media reports

Assad regime accused of brutal 
massacre in Syria

Tropical Storm Isaac aims at 
north Gulf Coast - Could hit near 
anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

At summit opening, Iran calls 
on Non-Aligned Movement to 
fight Western sanctions

California: Source Of Loud 
Boom In Foothills A Mystery

Three religions meet in suburban 
Paris prayer space

Powerful Typhoon Set to Hit 
Japan's Okinawa Island

Advocates of gay marriage 
see chance in Maryland

Astronaut Neil Armstrong 
dies at 82
White House News 

Republicans unveil 'national 
debt clock'

Nervous Republicans keep eye 
on Isaac as convention nears

Poll: Large fraction of voters 
remain undecided, unexcited 
ahead of election
Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

Eilat: Migrant kids to 
attend regular schools

Israel's most unsecured 

Iron Dome operators say living 
conditions 'unsuitable'
Provocative Commentary 

Natural Gas For Cars - 
T. Boone Pickens, 
R. James Woolsey

Atheists’ cross to bear - 
La Shawn Barber

Romney on faith, family and 
private life - Kevin Bohn, Melissa 
Dunst and Courtney Yager

Where will Morsi's embrace of Ahmadinejad lead? - Dore Gold 

Op-ed: Jewish communities in West Bank will continue to grow with or without the business, blessing of the EU -- David Ha’ivri 

Poll: Most Americans expect 
mideast war soon - WND

What if Everyone's Wrong? - 
William Kristol

Trapping Season - The Targets 
Are Republicans - Cal Thomas

Muslim Brotherhood controls Egypt--US, too? -- Bill Wilson 

15 groups to O'Reilly: 
'Drop gay radical' - WND

Kristol to Obama: Repudiate 
Anti-Israel Figures Among 
'Rabbis for Obama'

Ultimatum for Iran - 
Delay is not a Strategy - 
Charles Krauthammer

Jerusalem: A Cup of Trembling -
(Zech. 12) - Tzippe Barrow

Where's the tough love 
for Obama? - David Suissa 

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: Inside Jihad with Tawfik Hamid 

Talk v. action: Why Obama 
Still Won't Go to Israel - 
Jonathan Tobin 

Video: Israel on the Brink of 
War: Does the World Care? - 
Chris Mitchell, CBN

Are We Doomed? - Desperately 
needed risky reform - Victor 
Davis Hanson

Glenn Beck interviews General Boykin of the Family Research Council on office shooting and the media blackout 

US, Not Israel, Primary Target of Nuclear Iran - Tzippe Barrow 

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: Part 2, The Coming Middle East Wars with Bill Koenig and Bill Salus 
Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

August 27: Sanctification: God's 
Grand Plan - Charles Stanley

August 27: Living Your Theology - 
Oswald Chambers

August 27: Preparation For Praise - 
Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
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